EDMS Applications

Distributed Property Monitoring Applications

308_EDMS_System_for_Product_Description_-_OrigThe EDMS Application was initially designed for monitoring the temperature in various units in a building such as a condominium; even when the condo complex is comprised of many buildings spread over a wide area. The wireless range of the EDS Sensors allows sensors in one building to communicate with the controller in another nearby building.

Homeowners do not have to be concerned with the maintenance and support of the system since the wireless in-unit sensor simply hangs on a wall or sits on a shelf. Property Managers have full access to the system’s database in a hosting service of their choice. A query of all units to see if any have a furnace issue is a simple task.

Similar applications for this product include equipment monitoring, storage shed monitoring,  large-home monitoring, rental unit monitoring, or any application that may involve multiple sensors that are deployed in in various locations. Another example would be the monitoring of various buildings and rooms at a landscaping company that has multiple greenhouses.

See our Competitive Advantages Page for additional information related to how this product compares with others that may meet the needs for your application.

There is currently a software limit of  16 sensors or repeaters that can be supported on a single Tibbo device using Tibbo’s newer Generation 2 TPP2L product. Please refer to the EDMS Specifications sheet for all of the system’s current engineering and configuration limits.

The EDA portion of the EDMS system may also be a very good choice for homeowners with large homes or small business owners who want to keep track of environmental conditions over a large area. An example would be sections of a greenhouse that need to carefully maintain ideal temperature and humidity settings in the building. The same equipment that is described above is used in this application. Some examples of applications that could utilize this system are:

  1. Controlled Humidity environments such as a storage area or cigar storage.
  2. Cold Room storage such as meat lockers or beverage businesses.
  3. Marina monitoring of boats for freeze conditions or leaks.

The EDS Meshnet portion of the system has to be distributed in such a way that a single Meshnet controller does not have to serve more than 8 ( 16 with the TPP2L-G2) total sensors and repeaters in the current release. In an application such as this in one building, all of the necessary Tibbo devices serving as EDA agents may be co-located with a single router at a central location.

It is important to note that from the standpoint of the remote target server that collects the temperature data, the EDMS collection sites can be located anywhere. The network is built as the individual EDA agents are brought online during the installation of the Tibbo devices.

Useful Background on Similar Products

Willabay Design has created a White Paper document that describes various approaches to residential home monitoring that may be of value to our customers. The latest version of this document can be found below.

White Paper – Alert Systems – V2

Future Applications

With the introduction of Tibbo’s new second generation TPS TPP2 platform, Willabay Design may be able to expand on our existing capabilities and provide support for additional sensors per host or even new features on the EDA itself. We have already started development on a means to support the new EDS 2040 sensor that internally supports up to three additional wired temperature sensors.