Willabay Design Mission
DGY Services was originally established to fill the need for inexpensive PC consulting and upgrade services . The company has expanded its expertise into a range of internet based security monitoring software products that will allow residential property managers, condo associations, and other homeowners to monitor the state of their homes over the internet. This expansion has resulted in the formation of a new company called Willabay Design LLC.
The long range plan for Willabay Design is to design inexpensive software applications for security products that may be used by homeowners or businesses to monitor environmental conditions at their property. By offering our customers access to reliable software that can run on Tibbo Technologies products, homeowners or alarm system and security contractors can satisfy all of their non-emergency security needs.
Another long range goal for the company is to create a family of Tibbo software modules that can utilize the educational aspects of the Tibbo TPS System. The product is an excellent vehicle for demonstrating various applications and project prototypes but more students and educators would be attracted to the product if there were some standard apps available that would run on a generic version of the platform.